Daikin Expansion - Verona, VA

roadway edge drain, perimeter drain, plaza deck drain, parking lot, underdrain, strip drain, drainage, awd, american wick drain, sitedrain
roadway edge drain, perimeter drain, plaza deck drain, parking lot, underdrain, strip drain, drainage, awd, american wick drain, sitedrain

Project Overview

Daikin Applied needed to expand their Verona parking and shipping. The land they owned land that experienced seasonally high ground water that would compromise the strength and lifespan of the paved expansion. It was determined an underdrain system would relive the soil saturation. SITEDRAIN strip was chosen because its 1” height did not require excavation of the compacted subbase, and its compression strength was appropriate for the tractor trailer traffic on the finished grade.

Project Information

General Contractor: Commonwealth Excavating

Product: SITEDRAIN Strip 6418 & 6412 (8,700 lf)
Market: Transportation
Application: Parking Lot Underdrain